Enjoy Freedom Quote Parents who allow their children to enjoy freedom without responsibility have to suffer alone with their loneliness later Alone Quotes(58) | Freedom Quotes(9) | Lonely Quotes(40) | Parenting Quotes(103) | Responsibility Quotes(13)
Set Too Many Goals Quote Don't set too many goals but set one with too many milestones as achieving each one gives enough motivation to reach the finish line Achievement Quotes(22) | Goal Quotes(21) | Motivational Quotes(178)
Life is Hurdles Quote Life is not just racing, nor it is just marathon, it is hurdles. Proficiency alone is not sufficient, you need Patience and Perseverance Life Quotes(211) | Patience Quotes(23) | Perseverance Quotes(68)
People Are Afraid Quote In modern world, people are afraid to love each other, so they like each other on Facebook Love Quotes(82) | People Quotes(30) | Relationship Quotes(52)
Stop Reading Books Quote If you stop reading self-esteem books the moment you meet someone in your life, don't forget to pick it up when they are gone Book Quotes(22) | Depression Quotes(70) | Life Quotes(211) | Relationship Quotes(52)
Talk About Purpose Quote We talk about our purpose to show off our positive side but finally do what gives us pleasure Pleasure Quotes(16) | Positive Quotes(70) | Purpose Quotes(30)
Solve World Problems Quote When young, you want to solve world problems and then you mature to understand that you can't even solve your problems Problem Solving Quotes(17) | Wisdom Quotes(275)
Goals are Invincible Quote The problem is not that goals are invincible, but they are invisible and unmeasurable Goal Quotes(21)
Performers and Practice Quote High Performers in any field practice more than enough along their lines of passion Passion Quotes(17) | Practice Quotes(6)
See Next Step Quote All you need to see is the next step. You travel hundreds of miles with a headlight which can go only hundred feet Motivational Quotes(178)
Three Gate to Hell Quote When any one of the three gates to hell opens, bridge of your future collapses. Three gates are greed, lust, anger Anger Quotes(3) | Greed Quotes(1)
Motivate Someone Quote To motivate someone, make them feel their importance or reveal their purpose and meaning of their life Purpose Quotes(30)
Wealth and Power Quote The best time to improve your humbleness is when your wealth and power increases Humble Quotes(14) | Wisdom Quotes(275)
Mistake And Pride Quote Many have time to talk about other's mistake, and the rest have time to talk about their pride Gossip Quotes(2) | Pride Quotes(8) | Time Quotes(88)
Want and Able Quote Many people who say I don't want to, really mean I'm not able to Ability Quotes(24) | People Quotes(30)