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Live and Learn Quotes
Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn.
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Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn Quote Meaning:
Experience is the best teacher of life. You live by learning and learn by living. Many things happen during the course of life which may be both positive as well as negative but you live and learn from your life. Don’t worry about your mistakes, they are part of your learning.
Main Topic : Life Quotes
Related Topics: Bridge, Table, Live, Learn, Turn, Burn
Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn
Author: Drake
Source: Pound Cake Paris Morton Song
Related Quotations:
Drake Song - Tables Turn and Bridges Burn
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Yes . My parents told me that friends may come and go , but my problem is that i was the cause for them to turn away from me. I thought i will get some one else whenever the relationship breaks, but i never thought how my behavior hurts them and shuts them off. The feelings of my ego and pride overpowered the empathy for others. I learned this after undergoing all the troubles in many relationships. thanks.