This article outlines simple technique to overcome procrastination by splitting the tasks into many sub-tasks. In project management, this technique is called as Project Planning.
Most of the time we procrastinate because there is no feeling of urgency. So you need to produce the sense of urgency through the deadline. This is an effective way to overcome procrastination. This overwhelming nature of the task or project at hand. If we know how to split the task into smaller sub tasks and accomplish each sub task, we can keep procrastinating behavior away.
Previous Technique to Stop Procrastination: Taste Success in Mind
Next Tip to Stop Procrastination: Tell To Everybody
Let us consider the example of building a website for your new product.
Step 1: Identify the scope of your task
Identifying all the primary outcomes of your task defines the scope of the work. Here you define what you will achieve and what you will not make at the end of the task.
In our example, it is about identifying functionalities which need to be present in the website like marketing collateral, product introduction video, etc
Step 2: List down all the main activities involved in achieving the final goal
Example: Buy domain for hosting the website
Step 3: Group the activities according to the category
Example: put all tasks related to finance to finance group. You might come up with categories like theme, plugin, presentations, videos, etc
Step 4: Take each primary task and list down all minor tasks involved in it
Example: Sub tasks for above primary task would be gathering pricing information, raise purchase request, talk to finance department and finalize the hosting provider, get approval, buy domain
Step 5: Identify dependencies between all the major tasks
Some tasks can be done simultaneously, but some cannot be done simultaneously. Through the identification of these dependencies, you will get clear clarity on the task at hand, and you will be able to judge better the completion of your work.
Step 6: Divide your overall outcome into many secondary outcomes
In our example, identifying when you will be able to host a website with just the template with coming page soon in it, and then when you will be able to host introduction video about the product along with about us and little product page and so on.
Step 7: Prioritize what should be achieved first and what should be next by prioritizing the outcomes
This is the important milestone in this technique to avoid procrastination. Every outcome achievement gives us the necessary motivation to move towards the next goal.
Step 8: Make sure goals for each outcome follow SMART tool
SMART goal is one which is simple, measurable so that it can be tracked for progress, achievable, relevant and end time is adequately defined. SMART goals help you to monitor and achieve your goals with very high success percentage.
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