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Busy Quotes about Priorities
Nobody is busy in this world it is all about priorities.
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Nobody is too busy in this world Quote Meaning:
Though everyone in this world is busy doing something all the time. They are very particular about how they want to spend their time. As time is precious and lost time cannot be recovered. This makes it as one of the precious resources in this world. Being a valuable resource, everyone needs to spend this on their highest priority tasks.
Main Topic: Priorities Status
Related Topics: Busy, World, Nobody
Nobody is too busy in this world it is all about priorities.
Author: Marc Chernoff
Quotation Reference:
Life Quotes Examples
If son/daughter is not taking care of their parents it just means that parents are not on their high priority list.
If parents are leaving kids at daycare or school most of the time, it means that they have less priority on their children.
A society which does not bother about climate change and carbon emissions.
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