Where did god hide the miraculous power



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Achievement comes out of fire Quotes

Achievement comes out of fire in our subconscious mind that I will win

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Achievement comes out of fire in our subconscious mind Quote Meaning

If you have the confidence, you can achieve anything in this world. If you are not confident, even if you know the tricks and tips of the game, it will be difficult to win the game.

Main Topic: Achievement Quotes

Related Topics: Subconscious, Fire, Mind, Win

Achievement comes out of fire in our subconscious mind that I will win.

Author: A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Quotation Reference:


Do you know where did god hide the miraculous power? All gods were discussing the place to hide the miraculous secret power. There were many suggestions, one of them hinted to hide it in the sea. Another god suggested getting it buried on a top of a mountain. The third God proposed to place it in the forest cave which is not easily accessible by humans. One of the most intelligent gods proposed to put it in the human mind itself.

They thought that humans will never suspect if the miraculous power is hidden within themselves because it would be difficult for humans to stop their wandering mind and focus on the power within their mind. We humans are not aware of the hidden power could be within him; we are looking for the power in this external world.

The truth expressed in the story is that there is the store of unlimited energy in every human’s mind. The man has the capacity and potential to get whatever he desires. There is Nothing in this world which is beyond his reach. However, we are not confident that there is so much energy stored within us. We have developed an inferiority complex about ourselves which we are unable to put it off. We are closing our eyes and complain that it is dark when all the power we need is within us.

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