Jul 19, 2023
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Emotional intelligence to control your kid crying for toy

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In the recent times, the stigma associated with the disclosure of mental health has been considerably reduced. Many kids have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression disorders. The mental health has gained as much as importance as physical health in the recent past. It has evoked a great deal of interest in emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence for Kids Test

When a study was conducted taking a basic sample of 619 students (365 female and 254 male) at sixth grade from both public and private schools in a Jordanian city, 54 children (33 female and 21 male) with a prevalence rate of 9% were considered as severally depressed. These kids scored lower on the EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) test in comparison to their peers. Another study found that young children, in comparison to adults, have stronger activation in regions of the brain associated with emotion when exposed to right situations and hence experience more personal distress.

Your Kid cries to buy the toy

For example, you visit a toy store and your kid points at an expensive toy. You attempt to deny the request, but then your kid starts crying. Unable to bear the sight, you buy the toy for your child. When this happens repeatedly, it may develop a need for instant gratification in the child. This instant gratification gives instantly pleasurable emotion but dies away immediately after getting the toy. Many parents have guilt that they do not spend much time with family and kids. This guilt feeling increases the chances of getting whatever your kid wants and stop the scene. When the harsh reality strikes in several other aspects of life, the child will not be able to adapt at handling the situation.

How to control you kid and make them emotionally intelligent

Instead of imprinting wrong expectations in your child, it is essential to imprint in their mind that it is not possible to get whatever they want. Some of their desires may be fulfilled and some may not. Consider explaining to your child about the struggles faced by the butterfly to come out of the cocoon and fly helps your child in relating to failures that the child may face while trying to attain what the child has in mind.

Emotions are real and are not irrational, but its regulation leads to a better mental health. Parents and teachers need to work together in helping the children to manage their emotions using a good moral compass.

“Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more humane.”
-Haim Ginott

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