Latest Self Awareness

Technique To Overcome Procrastinating - Find Your Passion

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This article talks about one of the technique to overcome procrastinating habit by finding your passion on the daily tasks you do most of the time. If total time spent during the day falls on non interesting area, then even the wise will become a procrastinator. Next Technique to Stop Procrastination : Do Right Things First Step 1 : Identify Values

Why We Procrastinate

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In this article, we are going to understand why we procrastinate on things or tasks which are important in our life. It has become way too easy to justify each postponed activity to us and others, why we have not accomplished something. Though we know, we never admit to ourselves that it comes down to pure procrastination. The biggest issue with

Stop Procrastination Technique - Doing Right Tasks

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All of us have a general tendency to project that we are really busy in office to our near and dear ones so that we can easily procrastinate tasks at home. This technique to stop procrastination is not for people who procrastinate, in-spite of not having work pressure at office. This is for people who are really

Procrastination Definition | Meaning

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Everyone has an inclination to procrastinate. So what exactly is procrastination? Procrastination Meaning in English Procrastination is the habit of postponing something that needs to be done now. Procrastination is the way we cope up with the anxiety for doing the task or making a decision. Many of us have a general tendency to postpone our

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