Best Collection of Personality handpicked from thousands of quotations for you. This page contains best collection of Personality Quotes handpicked from thousand of quotes about personalities. The personality of a person is developed at the subconscious level of mind with all the impressions of events which happen in the life. These impressions grow strong and are exhibited as automatic behaviors over the time.

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Personality quotes about character like tree reputation shadow

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Personality Quotes about character : Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is and the tree is the real thing. Author Abraham Lincoln. Explanation of character quote There is a big difference between the character of the person and the reputation he earns. Reputation is what others

Personality quotes careless in small matters and trust

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Personality Quotes about trust and truth : Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Author Albert Einstein. Explanation of personality quote about trust : In this quote, Albert Einstein says that, if somebody is careless in dealing with small matters and manage it will lies, they can never

Quotes about empathy soft heart cruel world weakness courage

Having a soft heart in a cruel world is not weakness, it is courage.

Author : Katherine Henson

Explanation about soft heart quote Have you observed in meetings, the one who is least intelligent is the one who find faults in others. Many others know that they don’t know so they are keen in maintaining in front of others that they know. People act because of their cravings for appreciation and respect. Many People feel pride in

Personality quotes analyzing judging other people

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Personality Quotes : Know yourself before you go around, analyzing and judging other people. Author Unknown. No one understands the fact that if someone talks ill about others when that person is not around, they will be doing the same when they are not there. For some people, talking or listening to gossip have become pleasure. Gossip

Personality quotes adversity character give power

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Personality Quotes : Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Author Abraham Lincoln. There are two ways one can be tested for his personality or character. One way is the way in which he withstands adversity in his life and the other way is to

Anger quotes about forgiveness and revenge

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Anger Quotes about forgiveness: Anger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness and concealed often hardens into revenge. Author Edward G. Bulwer. Anger is the cause for both forgiveness and revenge. It is up to you to decide whether you want to ventilate your anger or conceal your anger. Ventilating anger leads to forgiveness whereas concealing it leads

Courage Quotes ship is safe in harbor

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Courage Quotes : A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. Authored by William G.T. Shedd. Explanation about quote on courage : One should have courage to do what they like to do in their life. Leading a life in comfort zone is same as keeping the ship in harbor. Do you

Patience quotes someone waits for you

Author : Unknown

In business world as well in our personal life, you might have encountered timeless waits in various occasions. You have patience, and this does not mean that you do not have any other priority work. Remember this, when somebody is waiting for yourself. It is not that they do not have any priorities in their life,

Forgiveness Quotes cannot forgive and forget

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Forgiveness Quotes If you can’t forgive and forget, pick one. Quote by Robert Brault Explanation about quote on forgiveness In order to be happy, dont carry your grudge. Instead forgive that person and forget about the incident. If you cannot do both, do either one of them….you will still be happy.

My personality and attitude quotes

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Personality Quotes and Attitude Quotes : People do not understand the difference between personality and attitude. Personality does not depend on others, it is the character of the person. But attitude depends on the person you talk you. Dont mix up between my personality and my attitude. My Personality is me and my attitude depends on

Sports do not build character quotes

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Sports do not build character, they reveal it. Quotation by Heywood Broun Character is not built by playing sports. Though we learn how to behave in the team, it largely reveals what our character is to other players and to ourselves.  

Parenting Quotes best security blanket is parents respect

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Parenting Quotes The best security blanket a child can have its parents who respect each other. Quote by Jan Blaustone. This quote is also categorized in respect quotes. Explanation about quote on parenting If parents respect each other, the kids will respect others. Children learn unconsciously how to behave in public by watching their parents when

Courage Quotes have courage to lose sight of the shore

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Courage Quotes You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. Quote by william Faulkner Explanation about quote on courage When you swim inside your safe zone, you will never see anything new in your life. You should have the courage to get outside of our comfort zone and

Confidence Quotes no safety net underneath them

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Confidence Quotes A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. Quote by Henry Kravis Explanation about quote on confidence The moment you think about safety in your business, you ceize to be an entrepreneur . A true entrepreneur is confident to face any foreseen challenges  

Courage Quotes about courage to pursue dreams

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Courage Quotes All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them Quote by Walt Disney Explanation about quote on courage This walt disney quote talks about how to realize you dream. The missing link between you and success is the courage to pursue them. If you do not have courage, then

Choices show what we truly are

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Choice Quotes : It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. Quote by J.K.Rowling. Explanation about quote on choice: You can understand the person a lot by knowing the choices he makes in his life. Choice person takes gives more insights on attitude and beliefs than the ability of the

Courage Quotes about fear on father of courage and mother

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Courage Quotes about Fear : Fear is the father of courage and the mother of safety. Author Henry H. Tweedy. Explanation of quote about fear and courage: Fear starts from the feeling of being in comfort zone and safety. If you are courageous, fear will run away. However courageous you are, you will still have fear as

Kindness Quotes serve distant neighbors at the expense of nearest

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Kindness Quotes I must not serve distant neighbors at the expense of the nearest Quote by Mahatma Gandhi Explanation about quote on kindness Have you seen rich people showing their kindness towards their dogs but do not bother much about the people who work in their house. What is the point in showing kindness or doing good

Character is not ready made

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Personality Quotes : Character is not ready made but is created bit by bit and day and day. Quote by Edna Lyall. Explanation on Personality Quote : Personality is not inbuilt in a person. Everyday it gets accumulatated based on the life experience. King and black Soldier story A king had a large number of soldiers.

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