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Happiness Quotes
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Happiness means different things to different people. Though it is commonly identified as an emotion of life, Philosophers defines it with respect to the quality of life one lives.
Latest Quotes about Happiness & Happiness Status
  • Inspirational story on spilling oil about happiness

    The secret to happiness is to put the burden of proof on unhappiness.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Secret of Happiness Quote
    The secret of happiness us not to just focus your thinking on what makes you succeed, but also to concentrate simultaneously on what makes you happy. If the path which leads you to success brings you happiness and joy, more than the success, then the purpose of your life is perfect.
  • What are the primary cause of unhappiness

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.
    Eckhart Tolle Quotes
     |   Aarya Prabakaran
    Primary cause of unhappiness quotes
    This quote about happiness talks about the interpretation of the event and the emotion we attach to it are the primary cause of unhappiness. If you know how to forgive the person causing the situation and forget the situation itself, then you will be the happiest person all through your life.
  • Happiness is a perfume Quotes

    Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.
     |   Aarya Prabakaran
    Happiness is a Perfume Quote
    Ralph Waldo Emerson about happiness. If you make others happy, you cannot escape from you own happiness. Like a perfume, it spills on you when you want to spread to others. This quote is sometimes wrongly misattributed to James Van Der Zee.
  • Happiness Quotes share it to enjoy it

    Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it
     |   Sriyan Sivakumar
    Happiness Quote about Kiss by Bernard Meltzer
    Happiness multiplies when it is shared with others like a Kiss. There is not fun to keep your joy within yourself. Do spread them to others to enjoy more happiness.
  • Happiness Quotes discovery of new dish and human happiness

     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai

    Happiness Quotes about discovery: The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of new star. Author Brillat Savarin. Happiness Quote Explanation : What is the point in the scientific advancement which is happening right now if we are not happy. Innovation and Invention on basic needs of the people has more

  • Top 10 Happiness Quotes Video

    Happiness Quotes on put happiness into the lives of others

    The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.
     |   Sriyan Sivakumar
    Put happiness in others Quote
    There is no bigger meaning to life than that of helping others by putting happiness in lives of others. It does not just give meaning to your life, but also brings happiness within you. When you make others happy, that feeling itself will make you happy. Author Robert Baden Powell.
  • Quotes about happiness on Stupidity selfishness and healthy

    To be stupid, selfish and have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Gustave Flaubert Quotes about Happiness
    Gustave Flaubert about Happiness. If you want to be happy, the primary thing which is required is little stupidity. Without which life would be very boring. Selfishness and good health may help to some extent.
  • Happiness quotes money does not bring happiness

     |   Aarya Prabakaran

    Happiness quotes Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will atleast help you to be miserable in comfort. Quote by Helen Gurley Brown This quote is also categorized under money quotes Explanation about quote on happiness Money gives you happiness by improving your comfort, but unfortunately it become miserable after some time.  

  • Quotes about people who suck happiness out of you

    Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.
     |   Aadithya Prabakaran
    Happiness Quote about people
    We are stuck with some of the People around us who makes us unhappy all the time by inducing emotional thoughts in us. Identify these people and stay away from them as our life time is very short and it is not wise to spend our life time with those people.
  • Real sense of fulfillment comes from hard work

    Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work.
     |   Aarya Prabakaran
    Joseph Barbara Happiness quotes about hard work
    Happiness is an achievement you attain after hard work. If you achieve anything without hard work, there is no fun in achieving that.
  • Pursuit of happiness or just be happy quotes

    Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
     |   Aarya Prabakaran
    Guillaume Apollinaire Pursuit of happiness quote
    You are lost when you search for happiness. Stop your search and start enjoying the small things in nature. Slowing down allows you see to more trivial things and enjoy life. Be happy by stop your pursuit of happiness.
  • Quotes on Happiness most wasted of all days

    The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Quotes on Happiness
    Quote by Nicolas Chamfort. The main purpose of life is to be on happiness most of the time. If we live even one day without laughing, then we are losing one day in our life. Don't worry. Be happy.
  • Happiness Quotes not possession of money

     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai

    Happiness Quotes Happiness is not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt This quote is also categorized under money quotes. Explanation about Quote on Happiness This quote says that you cannot be happy just by accumulating wealth in your

  • Unhappy quotes about not knowing what you want

    Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Not Knowing and Killing Quote by Don Herold
    Lot of People who go behind political parties and cinema actors do not really dont know what they really want. They just get carried away by somebody else charisma and lose their life by killing themselves to work for their party or master. When they realize this one day, they will see the peak of unhappiness and frustation in their life.
  • Quotes about happiness on enjoy little things

     |   Aarya Prabakaran

    Quotes about happiness : Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Written by Robert Brault. Explanation about quote on Happiness : Often the smallest things we do in our life are the best memories we tend to recollect and enjoy.  

  • Quotes about Happiness marks never made me laugh but memories do

    Sometimes it's better to bunk a class and enjoy with friends. When I look back, marks never made me laugh, but memories do.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Quotes about Happiness
    Memories are the happiest things in this world compared to achievement which makes us laugh. Memories, especially which includes events and travel with friends are more cherished in thoughts than anything else. This quote about happiness asks us to collect more memories to be happy instead of going just for the money.
  • Happiness Quotes quality of your thoughts

    The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
     |   Sriyan Sivakumar
    Marcus Aurelius Happiness Quote about quality of thoughts
    Happiness depends on your actions. Your actions depend upon the quality of your thoughts. So happiness depends on your thoughts. If you have positive thoughts, your actions, as well as your life, will be positive leading to happiness.
  • Happiness is to ignore people who do crappy things

     |   Aarya Prabakaran

    A big secret for happiness is to ignore people who do crappy things to you. Ignoring people is the best secret to be happy in your life. The thoughts about those will make you sad more than the actual incident.

  • Happiness Quotes about good health and bad memory

    Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory
     |   Sriyan Sivakumar
    Good Health and Bad Memory Quotes
    Author Albert Schweitzer. In order to be happy, two basic things which are required are good health and a bad memory. When the body is strong, and you forget all bad things which happen in your past, it leads to happiness.
  • Happiness of another person is essential to your own

     |   Sriyan Sivakumar

    Happiness Quotes : Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Written by Robert A. Heinlein. Explanation about love quote about happiness : The simple way to understand whether you are in love with somebody is to check whether your happiness depends on happiness of another person.

  • Quotes about happiness on count trouble

     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai

    Quotes about happiness Man only likes to count his troubles, he doesn’t calculate his happiness. Quote by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Explanation on quote about happiness When there is happiness in life, you seldom see it as it flashes in time, but when problem arises you have enough time to count them.  

  • Happiness quotes about what happiness is there

     |   Sriyan Sivakumar

    Quotes about Happiness : What happiness is there which is not purchased with more or less pain. Author Margaret Oliphant. Explanation about Quote on Happiness : There is no happiness if you get it without any hard work and pain. The hard work and the pain you went through to achieve something is what brings you happiness.

  • Happiness Quotes about Joy of deeds well done

     |   Sriyan Sivakumar

    Happiness Quotes : True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. Quote Author : Antoine De Saint. Explanation of quote about happiness : When you love your work and work hard to create something new in this world, you get the true happiness. This happy feeling cannot be

  • Happiness Quotes Come from your own actions

    Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
     |   Sriyan Sivakumar
    Happiness Quote about actions
    You cannot buy happiness, it should come from within based on our own actions. The moment one starts searches happiness inside of him, he finds it. When someone searches it in the external things, his search never ends till he dies.
  • Happiness quotes ability to deal with problems

    Happiness is not the absence of problems its the ability to deal with them.
     |   Prabakaran Thirumalai
    Happiness Quote on Problems
    When there is no problems to solve or challenges to face, the work becomes boring. It is challenge that makes the work beautiful and brings the sense of achievement.
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What is Happiness?

Happiness means different things to different people. Some say it is related to contentment. Happiness is not a final destination of your journey; it should happen during your journey. Happiness is not enjoying pleasure all the time. The more you take pleasure, the less you will enjoy it. Is it related to being rich and affording whatever you want? Numerable researchers tell both wealth and poverty has failed to bring happiness to people.

Happiness is just about getting meals three times a day for some people. For some people, it is about accumulating wealth for next three generations or buying a house or a car and for some people, it is about having a perfect relationship with the spouse. The moment we achieve this, we are happy momentarily and after some time it is lost, and we are normal. Our parameters for joy keeps on changing and we are in search of it again.

If finding happiness is so easy, why on earth many people remain unhappy and always search for joy. You can achieve wealth, power, health, etc. but achieving satisfaction and happiness is tough. It is mainly because we are so much attached to materialistic things and do not spend the time to discover ourselves and what we want in our life.

Do you know in 2015, Switzerland has got the highest World Happiness index according to United Nations Survey?

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References and Citations
