Anger is just anger. It isn’t good or bad Quote Meaning:
Anger is not sadness which only spoils the mood. Many a time, Anger can result in good outcome. Most of the social changes and revolution happened in the history are because of someone’s anger. How you are going to handle your anger matters more than the cause of it?
Main Topic: Anger Quotes
Related Topics: Good, Bad, Thing, Angry
Anger is just anger. It isn’t good. It isn’t bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters.
Author: Jim Butcher
Quotation Reference:
Source: Book: White Night, Page 136
Many countries got freedom because someone rebelled out of the crowd. He spread his emotion to others and finally fought against to attain their freedom.
From early morning till the sweltering heat of the noon, farmer worked hard in his field and came home hungry like a tiger and asked his wife, “Is the food ready?”
She answered “No. Wait for half an hour”.
“What” exclaimed the farmer and walloped his wife on her head with the pickaxe, which he had in his hand. His wife screamed and then collapsed. She never rose again. When his anger subsided, farmer endlessly repented his rash action.
One person resigned his job and returned home because his boss spoke to him rather rudely and did not even consider him as a human being. He got very much insulted. In the heat of his anger, he said “I threw my resignation letter on his face. I am not going to care for anybody”. When his anger left him, repentance tormented him in many ways. He was worried about how he could take care of his wife and children. He regretted later about the influence of his anger has turned something horrible.
The disastrous effects of anger are numerous. All great men of the world have cautioned man to be very careful about his anger. The result of anger is a quarrel, tit for tat and violence in return for violence. An angry man commits misdeeds which lead to destruction.
Have you observed the strange behavior of a person who is beside himself in rage? It may even amuse you. Let me tell you what an acquaintance of mine does when he in anger. It is his habit to say “I’ll suck your blood” concerning those who irritate him. He was expressing his anger in different ways, “ I am going to suck your blood, I am sure to break your head, I am not going to let you off, I won’t mind getting hanged, but let there be no doubt that I am going to shed your blood”. Among these angry me, there are those who cut their enemies into pieces, who destroy everything, who raze everything to the ground, who break somebody’s neck or some things which are nearby. They lash out with sarcastic words, with words of obscenity. Don’t ever try to laugh at the behavior of such short-tempered men. They would pounce on you. When people cannot give vent to their anger, they often pounce upon others. Getting angry is a dangerous habit. “anger before entering your mind, drives away your wisdom and closes all the doors on its face so that it cannot enter again.” said Plutarch.
Anger in good people lasts only for a moment; and in the next class of people two hours; in the still lower class it lingers for a whole day; but in the case of the wicked people, it continues till their death.
A friend once insulted Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Samuel Johnson, the famous English critic. Boswell was deeply upset by this incident. He complained about the incident to Dr. Samuel. In reply, Samuel said, “After one year from now, this insult will become so insignificant, think of that.” Boswell reflected on this advice and understood its deep meaning. Later Boswell wrote in Dr. Samuel Johnson biography that he has acted on the advice much time in his life, and it has always soothed his nerves.
Once during his wandering days, Vivekananda was sharing a railway compartment with two Englishmen, who thought that he was an illiterate beggar because of the dress he wore. They began to ridicule him in English. This continued for some time in the train till the next station arrived. They happen to see Swami Vivekananda talking to the station master in perfect English and got astonished. The two Englishmen were ashamed. After Vivekananda had boarded the train, they asked him why he had not protested against their silly jokes. Vivekananda replied, “Friends, whatever you said did not enter my mind as I did not give much importance to your views about me.” They remained in surprise to know that Swamiji remained calm even when they provoked him badly.